policies of dupre marine transportation
safety and occupational health policy
It is the policy of Dupre Marine Transportation to conduct its business in a manner that minimizes injuries to our employees and contractors. Consistent with this, management is committed to plan and execute its activities in a manner that meets or exceeds all regulatory and customer requirements for our operations.
Dupre Marine Transportation is committed to:
Complying with all applicable federal, state and local requirements or appropriate industry standards.
Striving for Zero injuries and illnesses.
Promoting a safe workplace.
A pro-active approach to the identification and control of hazards and safety risks.
The establishment of documented safety procedures.
Continuously learning from our performance so we can effectively improve our processes to achieve our safety goals.
Recognizing conditions that may pose an occupational health risk, accident, or injury is essential to safe operations, and when recognized risks cannot be eliminated, protective measures must be put in place to safeguard employees.
Responsibility for the implementation of this policy rests with all employees and contractors engaged in our operations.
A commitment to safety and adherence to all safety guidelines is a requirement for employment at Dupre Marine Transportation as safety is both an individual and team responsibility.
drug and alcohol policy
In keeping with Dupre Marine Transportation’s commitment to provide and maintain a safe and productive work environment, all alcohol, illegal drugs, or other prohibited substances are not permitted on company property. All employees are prohibited from reporting to work, or from working, under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or with a detectable amount of drugs in their system. The sale, promotion, or purchase of drugs on company premises will not be tolerated, and any employee in violation with this policy will be subject to immediate termination.
In accordance with this policy and applicable federal regulations all employees, may be required to submit to drug and alcohol tests. Additionally, employees and their property are subject to search at any time while on company property. Entry onto company property and continued employment is conditioned upon consent to these test and searches. Any and all employees refusing to these test and searches will be subject to termination.
Any employee that has a substance abuse problem is urged to seek rehabilitation. Employees that enter legitimate drug or alcohol rehabilitation programs will be given a leave of absence and will not be subject to disciplinary action provided the employee remains in strict compliance with and completes the program. This rehabilitation leave of absence will only be allowed once for any employee and will not be available after notice of a drug or alcohol test is given or after an event has occurred which could cause testing.
This policy is not intended to restrict or prohibit the use of and the possession of prescription and over the counter medication that has been prescribed by a doctor for the person in possession of the medication, as long as the medication will not impair the senses or reactions of the employee.
employee assistance program
Dupre Marine Transportation encourages employees who have a dependency problem to seek assistance. We will attempt to assist employees who suffer with drug and alcohol dependency. Self-referral employees will be provided confidential assistance without the threat of immediate termination.
Using the EAP shall not be a defense to the employees of disciplinary action, includiing immediate termination, where facts proving a violation of the policy are obtained outside of the EAP.
Dupre Marine Transportation will refer employrees for treatment provided by outside resources in connection with EAP. If the employee needs to be referred to treatment services, the employee will be responsible for all fees.
Employees are provided with telephone numbers where professional help may be obtained.
The practice of operating without injury, work related illness, damage to equipment, or harm to the environment.
Dupre Marine Transportation remains steadfast in its continued commitment to HSSE excellence and recognizes that our success as a company correlates directly to our ability to operate without incident. We strive to meet this commitment through continuous improvement and by providing our employees with the necessary tools, training, and guidance that will cultivate a culture rich in safety.
To create long-term customer relationships with zero incidents by providing the safest, most comprehensive maritime transportation solutions
With a commitment to safety and continuous improvement, Dupre Marine Transportation will provide maritime transportation solutions with zero spills, zero incidents, and a continued reduction in permitted emissions.
SAFETY We embrace safe practices and behaviors in every facet of our lives, from work to play.
CUSTOMER SERVICE We build trust with our customers by delivering upon our promises and meeting every challenge with safe, timely, cost effective, innovative solutions.
PASSION FOR OUR WORK We are passionate about service, personal responsibility, business integrity, and each other’s successes.
RESPECT AND HONOR We demonstrate, in word and deed, respect and honor for our customers, the environment, and each other.
Dupre Marine Transportation is an Equal Opportunity Employer. It is the policy of the Company, from recruitment through employment and promotion to provide equal opportunity at all times without regard to race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, disability, or any other protected status.
quality policy
At Dupre Marine Transportation our goal is to create long–term customer value by providing the safest, most comprehensive maritime transportation solutions. Dupre Marine Transportation recognizes that customer satisfaction is one of the most important ingredients of a successful business. Bearing that in mind, Dupre Marine Transportation works hard to serve its customers in the most professional manner possible. Additionally, Dupre Marine Transportation will always strive to continually improve through customer recommendations and self-assessment.
As a company Dupre Marine Transportation understands the evolving nature of our industry and vows to tirelessly work to exceed our customers’ expectations by:
Transporting our customer’s product in a timely and safe fashion.
Maintain open communications with our customers to better understand their specific concerns and requirements.
Ensuring that our personnel are properly trained to perform the jobs our customer expects safely.
Building trust with our customers by delivering upon our promises and meeting every challenge with timely, cost effective, and innovative solutions.
Always operating with the knowledge that safety is always our top priority.
Continually improving both on the vessels and shore side.
security policy
Dupre Marine Transportation is committed to the security of all aspects of operations including personnel, the environment, the equipment we operate, and the facilities we transit.
Dupre Marine Transportation complies with the USCG security regulation covering Dupre Marine Transportation and customer equipment in accordance with the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002.
Vessel Security Plans, which implement the American Waterways Operators Alternative Security Program, provide the security measures for Dupre Marine Transportation operations, and Facility Security Plans, which carry out 33 CFR 105, provide the security measures for facility operations.
It is the policy of the Dupre Marine Transportation, LLC to conduct its business in a manner that minimizes negative impact on the environment. Consistent with this, management is committed to plan and execute its activities in a manner that meets or exceeds all regulatory and customer requirements for our operations.
Dupre Marine Transportation is committed to:
Making the protection of the environment a priority in all activities
Taking a pro-active approach to the identification and control of environmental risks.
Reaching and maintaining our goal of ZERO spills and releases
Reducing overall emissions and waste generation
Establishing and adhering to emergency procedures and plans to identify and mitigate environmental risks
Creating and carrying out emergency drills and exercises that will ensure responses to environmental emergencies are effective
Continuously learning from our performance so we can effectively improve our processes to achieve our environmental goals
Responsibility for the implementation of this policy rests with all employees and contractors engaged in our operations. Everyone has the responsibility, and will be held accountable, for working in an environmentally sound manner. Management reviews the suitability of this policy and our environmental objectives annually
All photos, vidoes and information on this website are owned by Dupre Marine Transportation and not to be used in any circumstance without written permission of Dupre Marine Transporation